Industries – Artsy Stock Images:
All Images Cost: 5$ US
Sizes may vary depending on the type of Image.
- The Regular Images have between 2.5 and 3 Mpixels ( 1400X1800),
- The HDR are about 6 Mpixels (2000×3000),
- And the Animations should have their dimensions indicated in each cases.
At Stockphotodesign, we believe the other agencies are keeping too much from each sale. Since the artists are doing most of the work, they should be compensated consequently.
From our Sales:
- 95% goes back to Photographers.
- 5% is kept for Site Maintenance and Advertisings.
( We are adding our special effect images occasionally only. If you have a special request you want us to do, please send us an email. )
Overall, our Industries Gallery covers everything related to Manufacturing Businesses:
- Large Industrial Buildings (Interior and Exterior),
- Refineries,
- Power Plants,
- Industrial Structures
- and More.
( Manufacturing Industries produce goods and/or related services. Todays Factories permit large-scale productions that were not possible before the Industrial Revolution. Mechanized assembly line were introduced to assemble parts in a more efficient and repeatable way. Rising efficiency, lower costs and the venue of computers and robots revolutionized the way they do business. Lower prices to consumers also improved exportations and overall revenues. All those images are part of our large Building Collection. )